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#TopOfPage Appendix " hideimgleft=""}% * Glossary of Staining Techniques * Other thing of interest?!? Begin Topic Comments * How about the cavernous s...
#TopOfPage Medical Histology Atlas Index #ListStart A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A A Cell AAF (Acid Aniline Fuchsin) Accessory Glands Aci...
#TopOfPage Introduction to The Medical Histology Atlas " hideimgleft=""}% Objectives and Format Welcome to the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicin...
#TopOfPage Chapter Ten: Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Blood is one of the primary means by which various parts of the body ar...
#TopOfPage Chapter Five: Cardiovascular System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction The cardiovascular system is composed of a pump, the heart, the arterial and veno...
#TopOfPage Chapter Eight: Cartilage and Bone " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction In both structure and function, cartilage and bone are closely related. Most of the...
#TopOfPage Chapter Two: Connective Tissue " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction This class of primary tissue is very appropriately named because it connects or binds ...
#TopOfPage Chapter Fourteen: Endocrine Organs " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction The endocrine organs are ductless glands that release their secretory products (ho...
#TopOfPage Chapter One: Epithelium " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction There are four basic types of tissue in the body: 1) epithelial, 2) connective, 3) nervous, a...
#TopOfPage Chapter Twelve: Esophagus and Gastrointestinal Tract " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Prior to learning the microarchitecture of Esophagus and Gastroi...
#TopOfPage Chapter Sixteen: Female Reproductive System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction The female reproductive system consists of the paired gonads, the ovaries...
#TopOfPage Chapter Seven: Lymphatic System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Lymphatic tissue is found in five principal locations: 1) the mucosal lamina propria ...
#TopOfPage Chapter Fifteen: Male Reproductive System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction The male reproductive system is responsible for: 1) production, maturation,...
#TopOfPage Chapter Three: Muscle " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Contractility is a fundamental property of cells and virtually all cells have this ability to s...
#TopOfPage Chapter Four: Nervous Tissue " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Cell types that are unique to nervous tissues can be classified into 3 major groups: neu...
#TopOfPage Chapter Eleven: Oral Cavity and Salivary Glands " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Prior to learning the microarchitecture of the Oral Cavity and Saliva...
#TopOfPage Chapter Thirteen: Pancreas, Liver, and Gall Bladder " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Prior to learning the microarchitecture of the GI Accessory Organ...
#TopOfPage Chapter Nine: Respiratory System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction In studying the microscopic anatomy of the respiratory system keep in mind that insp...
#TopOfPage Chapter Six: Skin Appendages and Sensory Receptors " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Skin is the organ (a group of different types of tissues) that cov...
#BeginTopic Chapter Seventeen: The Urinary System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction The series of organs in this system function to produce, store, and eliminate ...
Number of topics: 20
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